Key Issues

Connecting All Tennesseans

ysb288易胜博 and its team working for all Tennesseans – rural, suburban and urban – is committed to closing the digital divide. 看看ysb288易胜博ysb288易胜博团队在最近几个月所做的工作,为每个田纳西人带来了基础设施的机会……

  • As a lead stakeholder in the high-tech communications sector, ysb288易胜博 actively worked with and supported Governor Bill Haslam’s Broadband Accessibility Act (BAA). ysb288易胜博 member, Comcast, 通过公司的投资以及BAA拨款的部分资金,与西田纳西州蒂普顿县的社区领导人合作.
  • The statewide commitment to build out the infrastructure in underserved areas continues as ysb288易胜博 member, Charter Communications has invested in to add over 20,000 additional homes and businesses that were previously impacted by the lack of connectivity.

Closing the Digital Divide

To deliver service to all Tennesseans, ysb288易胜博 members are committed to investment, construction and infrastructure assets…not just empty promises.

  • Through Internet Essentials, the most successful comprehensive broadband adoption program in the nation, Comcast provides over 208,000 low-income Tennesseans to advanced communications in their homes, businesses and schools.
  • Charter’s service, Spectrum Internet Assist, 于2017年推出,以优惠价格将高速互联网带入家庭和老年人家中. 频谱互联网协助提供最快的互联网速度在全国为一个低成本的宽带计划(30/4 Mbps), 14美元.99 per month. 这些都是Charter公司努力的一部分,目的是确保更多的美国人能够获得他们充分参与当今经济所需的技术和工具.
  • Because access to infrastructure is just part of maximizing high-speed broadband, ysb288易胜博的成员正在提供并与社区和田纳西州合作,解决数字扫盲计划,以装备和准备终身学习者, of all ages, for opportunity.

Supporting an Open Internet

ysb288易胜博 members understand: It’s customers first.

The US Congress, back in 2015, 启动了一个不符合客户内容或使用您的数字通信体验利益的监管模式. ysb288易胜博 stands with you, the customer, 支持政策和法律,以促进开放互联网的发展,使其免受规章制度的负担,这些规章制度会在你的每月账单上显示为增加的成本.

ysb288易胜博 members do not support the practice to block, throttle or otherwise interfere with the customer to navigate and use their content as desired. Rather than limiting and managing access, ysb288易胜博 works with its national partners in building powerful networks through over $1.4 trillion in private investment since the mid-1990s to improve your digital experience and opportunities.

Protecting Consumer Privacy

The security and integrity of your personal information is a priority with ysb288易胜博 members.


ysb288易胜博成员公司致力于维护这种信任,不仅保护您的消费交易,还保护您的所有重要记录和文件. Through options to reject data sharing to transparent privacy policies, internet service providers work to put you in greater control of your own personal data. ysb288易胜博的成员还在联邦层面上努力,鼓励联邦政策制定者解决对所有在线服务和社交网络进行标准化和强制执行的强有力和一致的消费者隐私保护的需求,以保护您和您的家人.

Empowering Parents

Busy moms, dads, grandparents and caregivers need tools to choose the content appropriate for their children and families.

ysb288易胜博 members provide programming on their networks for a wide variety of tastes and ages – informational, educational and entertainment. But because not all content is suitable for all ages, our member companies provide these tools to manage media that permit choice, 通过V-Chip技术和电视家长指导分级系统控制和教育,允许和阻止各种内容.

Check out the tools and information provided by cable companies, like, that can help parents make responsible decisions.

Leadership in Technology and Innovation

Since 2011, more than $2.2 billion in private investment has been poured into technology and infrastructure advancements. Over the last 20 years, more than $1.已经部署了5万亿美元的私人投资,用于在美国各地建立和维护强大的宽带网络.  ysb288易胜博 is working to ensure availability, 可负担性和高质量的光纤网络,在ysb288易胜博国家的经济强国中编织了一条坚固的线, 在学校里,使用数字图书馆和课程,进入你的家庭,享受无尽的娱乐和教育资源.

Tennessee broadband networks have been bolstered to provide gigabit speeds throughout the entire state. ysb288易胜博 partners, Comcast and Charter, 已经为几乎所有田纳西州的客户提供了通过光纤线路传输娱乐的gig速度服务吗, critical files and video content at speeds of 1,000Mbps.


The vast, ysb288易胜博ysb288易胜博成员公司为田纳西人提供了强大的机会网络,其根源在于ysb288易胜博致力于成为技术和ysb91易胜博的领导者,从而使ysb288易胜博的客户和您在国内的需求受益, on the go, at work and play.

Energy Saving Information

High tech does not have to mean high energy waste.


田纳西人对电子设备和小玩意的依赖在ysb288易胜博生活的各个方面都在增长,并将继续增长. You also deserve innovation that addresses peak performance with the least amount of energy consumed.

Initiatives that provide the ENERGY STAR 3.0 set-top boxes, low-power adapters, 基于云的服务和其他技术的进步确保了一个绿色的框架,同时提供优质的服务. 技术的进步使90%以上的美国宽带家庭的效率提高了10-20%,同时在速度和内容传输方面也有了相应的提高.

ysb288易胜博’s commitment is to sustainability, affordability and quality for Tennessee customers.

The Future of Wi-Fi

无线技术作为一条强大的纽带,使ysb288易胜博的数字生活方式无缝衔接,无论是从家到工作,到学校,还是外出. The unlicensed spectrum, 当史蒂夫·乔布斯推出iPhone和数字娱乐平台Roku首次亮相时,这款手机就已经面世了, 是否应该进行升级,以帮助提高gig速度,但也需要带宽来满足更多功能通道的需求. Enter 5.9ghz——适合Wi-Fi的免授权频谱的近期最佳选择,这将是下一代技术的关键,也是未来Wi-Fi流量无堵塞和瓶颈的关键.


Equipping Talent for the Future


ysb288易胜博会员坚定不移地致力于提供基础设施和服务,以满足个人不断变化的需求, families, businesses and throughout our state’s growing workforce in preparation for the jobs of the future, but also excelling in the careers of today.

ysb288易胜博’s commitment to the best talent is reflected in the teams of our member companies.

  • Charter Communications has a workforce comprised of 11% military veterans and a diverse 46% of minorities
  • Comcast has a team of 35% women, 44% employees of color and has made a commitment to hire 21,000 veterans, military spouses and National Guard and Reserve members from 2015 to 2021.

ysb288易胜博 members are representative of the tremendous diversity throughout our state.